About Me

Greetings, visitor! 👋

Currently completing dual Bachelor's in Computer Science 🎓. Engaged in software development and contributing to projects on GitHub. Passionate about dynamic web and mobile app development using Java, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Frameworks: Flutter, Spring Boot, Vaadin, SvelteKit. Aspiring fullstack developer, always eager to learn and stay updated on tech trends. Outside coding, I enjoy hiking 🥾 and exploring Leipzig's restaurants 🍴 and bars 🍸.


Explore my projects on GitHub 🔍

On my GitHub profile, you'll find all of my latest projects and contributions to others. I'm always on the lookout for new ways to collaborate and make an impact, so feel free to check out my work and reach out if you'd like to collaborate.

Visit my GitHub Profile

Connect with me on social media 🥳

Get to know me better and connect with me on:

linkedin instagram

Find me on Instagram to see my hobbies including hiking, skiing, traveling, visiting bars and cafes.

On LinkedIn, I am a becoming software developer constantly looking to expand my network and collaborate with other engineers.

Check out my fav spotify songs...

Projects 🚀

Rail Insights

Rail Insights is a web application that focuses on the evaluation and statistical representation of Deutsche Bahn trains. The application allows users to gain insight into statistics on trains, stations, and global delays. In addition, the application offers a forecast function for future journeys.

The project uses SpringBoot, MariaDB and Vaadin for the frontend. 🚆

Rail Insights


MensiMates is an application that helps you stay up-to-date with the meals in your campus cafeteria. Never miss a meal again, and enjoy a variety of options at your fingertips.

Connect with other students by rating the dish you just ate. ⭐


Geo Mapping Ivan

Geo Mapping Ivan is a micro service written in go-lang to process data from the /var/log/auth.log file under linux.

With the metrics sent to prometheus you are able to display the data in Grafana. My Custom Grafana Dashboard shows the relevant information about Countries, tried usernames and Geolocation.

Geo Mapping Ivan


This website is my personal portfolio. It is built with SvelteKit, TailwindCSS and the component library daisyui.

The former version of this website was built using HTML, JavaScript and Bootstrap5.

It is hosted on a virtual server and I am planning to add a personal blog to this website.


Permission Tracker

PermissionTracker is a web application developed to streamline and secure the process of managing user access rights in an organization.

The application allows users to request specific access permissions, such as accessing certain resources or functionalities. These requests are then routed per mail to the respective approvers for review and approval. 🔒

Permission Tracker

3D BA-Leipzig

This website is gonna be a web hub for the BA-Leipzig facility.

If scrolling through the site, the user will be able to visit, see and explore specific parts of the Studienakadamie by hovering over it.

Currently working on the Blender 3D Model of the Studienakademie.

3D BA-Leipzig

Get in touch🤝

If you have any questions or just want to say hello, feel free to contact me via

LinkedIn or Instagram

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